Animus Magnae Via

The Soul of the Great Road

Friday, September 30, 2005

Now Thats A Drive-Thru Tree

Out of all the trees in the Redwood forest I would have to say the Chandelier Drive-Thru tree was the most impressive. Mostly because it fulfilled my fantasy of what a Drive-Thru tree should look like.

When I arrived at the tree I had to wait behind two other cars. The first was a gentleman in a large Ford truck that he was trying to squeeze through the 7x7 hole. In his attempts to save his drivers side mirror, he sacrificed the passenger side of his truck. As he forced his truck through, it made a horrid screeching noise, as the paint was being striped away. Then upon its exit from the tree, much like a child from the womb, everyone stood back in relief. The man driving the truck was noticeably embarrassed and pulled his truck around to the far side of the parking lot before inspecting it.

The next car was a brand new 2005 fully loaded Corvette, and the man driving it was more cautious about driving through the tree. He then stopped a little over midway through it so his wife could take a picture of his baby emerging from the proverbial tree womb.

Finally it was my turn and I was over joyous with anticipation. Something about driving through a massive and equally beautiful tree that put a smile on my face a mile long. As I went through it I gave out a "Heyeah!" all the wile trying to be cautious of, and aware of the sides of my car. After I emerged from the tree I pulled around and parked next to the gentle man in the Corvette. HE instantly apologized about holding up the line for his picture, to which I told him he had nothing to apologize for, and that "if I had someone to take my picture of me in my car in side a giant tree, I would have done the same." He then offered up his services to do just that, and back around through the tree I went. I once again put a giant grin on my face and leaned out my window, just to prove it was me inside my car, inside a giant tree!


At October 01, 2005 7:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate we missed seeing and driving through the big tree! :( We did make it up to Muir Woods, and they were stunning, but I wish we had made the trek to the Avenue of Giants. Maybe another time :)

At October 03, 2005 3:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw,'re too funny. i'm glad it was everything you dreamed of. :)

At October 05, 2005 6:14 AM, Blogger Jeremy said...

Cool tree.


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