Animus Magnae Via

The Soul of the Great Road

Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Lone Soul of Cape Perpetua

Cape Perpetua was an amazing site to see. I took a long winding road to the top where one could look down the coast as far as the eye could see. I was able to walk right up to the edge of the cliff and pear down the dizzying height and sheer drop of 800 feet to the ocean crashing into the rocks below.

As I walked about on the vista, I met an unusual old woman sitting contently on a large bolder. She told me she didn’t have it in her to walk with the rest of the tour group she was with down the long paths provided. So there she sat waiting patiently for their return. Unsolicited, she began to tell me about her adventures around the US. She told me all about how she only liked to travel alone, that it was the only way to travel. “once I traveled with a woman to Wyoming and a great fight broke out between us, over going to a rodeo. Then once I rented a camper in Alaska and brought a friend with, but the camper was hardly big enough for the both of us, I couldn’t turn around without bumping into myself. Traveling alone is the only way to go, you see, otherwise you get stuck sitting on a rock!” To which she gave out a big laugh. I replied “yes, but the view from here is amazing I wouldn’t mind being stranded on that rock.”  She sat for a second and pondered what I said, then responded “your right, I have seen many a beautiful views in my life and this one, is one of the best.”  


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