Animus Magnae Via

The Soul of the Great Road

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Astoria Hostel

The Astoria Hostel has something to be said for it, it seemed more suited as a flop house for recovering meth addicts. It was of an odd design, something akin to a European hotel. There was a center column of rooms and then there was an outer ring of rooms. The rooms themselves had no amenities other then light fixtures. The only bathrooms in the building lie at either corner of the center column of rooms.

Now I had no problem with this set up, it was the odd assortment (which I thought I was accustom to) characters that stayed there. Each was creepier then the next and had untold secrets. As I waited to check in a man staying there spoke to me about his new job and how he had been living in his car, all the wile I could smell cheap wine that lay on his breath. It was either that or his rotting teeth

Now in this hostel lie only one phone, and it was a pay phone (I believe the last of its kind) and it received incoming calls. As I sat in the small common area there sat several individuals with me, all waiting for a phone call. It was quite funny at first because ever time the phone rang someone would come charging down the hallway to answer it, or spring from there seat in anticipation that it might be for them. Then if it was for someone else, the ritual of walking up and down the halls banging on the doors asking for the person who the call was for.

As I sat there my first night researching Goonie sites around town, a strange individual came into the common area all upset. He then went over to the manager’s office and banged on the door saying he was having an emergency and he needed change for the phone. I didn’t think much of it at first, till he returned to use the phone. I then overheard the strangest conversation of my life.

“Hello, Mike? Yeah…..its me…..I’m having a problem…….welll you see I am feeling very paranoid, and am freaking out……….yeah I know………well uh I feel like I’m having one of my schizophrenic episodes…….Did I take any drugs? Other then my medication?..........well I did smoke some marijuana, which I know I can’t do anymore because…..yes I know but If I don’t smoke pot then……..Yeah ok….”

I had heard enough and if the guy needed help I didn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t talk freely with his consoler, or for all I know there was nobody on the other end of the phone.


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