I sat in a trance on the cool concrete wall, dangling my feet over the beach below. As I stared out beyond the surfers, past the wharf that framed in this part of the ocean, my eyes became fixed on the horizon. My mind began to swim with possible scenarios as the words "Point Loma" kept repeating in my head. What was this Point Loma and where was it? I was confused and began to break down. I was worn from the constant pace of my travels, it seemed as if the honeymoon period of my novel adventure was coming to an end.
Its hard to describe the exhaustion I was feeling, it wasn't physical or mental, I just felt drained and wanted nothing more to do then lay on the beach and wait for the tide to drag me out to sea. Thoughts of doubt began to consume my mind. Nothing so far had come easy, and I tried to ease my fears by thinking that with each misstep an even better path was presented, but in many ways I was growing tired of the unknown, and worrying about where I was going to stay from night to night.
Looking for a distraction from my depressing train of thought, my eyes moved to a bunch of salty types who were squatted on the beach not too far from where I sat dangling my feet. One scraggly character stood out among the bunch and seemed to be the leader. He was a rather stocky man with long dirty blond hair and two snake tattoos on his well tanned arms, wearing only a pair of dingy yellow swim-trunks. I took special notice that for a beach bum he seemed to be clean shaven, and in pretty good shape, unlike the company he was keeping. The rest of the bunch were a mishmash of your classic homeless types, who's clothing were tattered, matted up hair with there unkempt beards and abundantly missing teeth smoking cigarette butts they found discarded on the beach .
The man stood above the bunch who had apparently been busy drinking for quite some time, and scolded them all for strewing their empty tallboy cans across the area on the beach they occupied. "what the fuck is wrong with you all" he yelled as he walked around picking up the cans from the area, "you trying to have them come down on us again!" The ones laying on the ground seemed to completely dismiss what he was saying laughing in a hardy tone and continued on with there drinking. From down the beach a woman caught my attention, when she began to scream "HEY......HEY.......HE-Y" waiving her arms as she approached in a swaying manner. The man who was picking up the cans turned his attention toward her way and muttered "aw shit."
The woman was in complete disarray. Her hair was all matted, her eyes and cheeks were sunken, and she wore a long bright neon green tank top that was stretched and ripped so that it hung on her emaciated shoulders like it was dangling from a coat-hanger. She hastened her pace as she swaggered kicking up the sand in her fast approach."Hey there" she called out "HEY, I'm fucking talking to you!"
The man hardly flinched as she encroached on him, stopping to acknowledge her after throwing the empty beer cans he was holding into a near by trashcan with considerable force. He turned toward her direction and spoke with anger in his voice "What the fuck do you want!" The woman came in close before speaking. The rest of their conversation was held in secrecy as the sound of the crashing waves on the beach drowned out my attempts at listening, but judging by the flailing arms and disappointed look on the woman's face it wasn't going in her favor. The man then let out a roar, "get the fuck out-a-here bitch!" He then began to march back to where his band of beach dwelling cohorts lay as the woman tagged along behind him. A few more words were exchanged between the two, when all of the sudden the group broke out into howling laughter at the woman's expense. She muttered a few words and quickly swaggered off back down the beach.
My eyes followed the woman down the beech until I lost track of her as she disappeared into the crowds enjoying the wonderful and almost perfect weather. As my eyes darted back and forth looking to see where she went too I was interrupted when a rather plump Mexican man came up and sat down on a milk crate he carried with him to my right. He was also caring a large case from which he pulled out a guitar and started tuning it. As he sat there I noticed something truly peculiar and unique. Inside the mans outrageous afro he kept on his head was a parrot. The bird began to squawk as it jumped down from its pirch atop the mans head on to his shoulder, then hopping onto the guitar, where it waddled its way across the neck coming to rest on the headstock. As the man began to strum a few chords the bird instantly came alive with loud squawking and bobbing its head to the beat of the music. This unusual site soon grabbed the attention of passerbyes who quickly formed a tight circle around the man. I was fortunate from where I was sitting to have a front row seat to this spectacle. The man played a few tunes and sang few songs, one of which was a rather interesting rendition of
Scarlet Begonias. This man knew what he was doing because the once empty guitar case he had strategically placed at his feet began to fill up with dollar bills. I felt bad that I didn't have any spare small bills on me to drop in appreciation of his duet. Instead I sat there content just listening and staring back out at the ocean.
The sense of normalcy was quick lived on this stretch of beach. The most obnoxious girl came skating up behind me as I listened to the man play. She was short thin and had the worst punkrock-esq hair cut I have ever seen. Her head was half shaved but was growing out with a faded green dye job. To top it off she appeared to have fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down as her face was very unsymmetrical and adorned with acne and a giant pair of pop bottle glasses. She rather rudely approached me and practical shouted in my face "HEY Mr......you got 75 cents!" I looked at her in a rather perturbed manner, which seemed to have know effect on her, and in hind site I doubt she was able to even sense it, as she yelled at me again "Hey Mr you got 75 cents or What? All I need is 75 cents and I can get a ice cream bar." In my head I was thinking "What? Get the hell away from me you disrespectful vagrant," but all I could say was "aahhhh no sorry I don't have any money." She looked at me in disgust and said "well what the Fuck!" She then turned toward the crowd that was listening to the man play and shouted in their direction "DOES ANYONE HAVE 75 CENTS SO WE CAN GET SOME ICECREAM!"
It was like in the movies when the whole room goes silent, the man stopped playing his guitar, that parrot stopped squawking and everyone just turned and looked at this pathetic girl not saying a word or digging in their pockets for change. The girls words seemed to strike a cord with salty beach gang sitting down below me, dislodging the leader from where he laid sunning himself. He came storming up toward me jumping over the wall and yelling to the girl "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? What, are you trying to get us all kicked off the beach?" The girl tried to get a word in but couldn't as the man continued "Ill give your fuck'n 75cents if you just shut the fuck up you dumb bitch!" he then through bunch change on the ground that hardly made a noise as it sank into the sand and jumped back over the wall. The girl instantly came over and dropped to her knees sifting through the sand on the sidewalk like she was panning for gold. Nobody said a word and the man starting playing his guitar again like nothing had happened.
I decided I had enough of the antics of the beach people and decided to venture away from my squat on the wall up to the the long wharf that extended far out into the briny abyss. The wharf was alive with action, as people from all different walks of life gathered to fish off its sides. Children played with there little fishing poles as fathers and brothers cast large nets over the sides. As I made my way to the end I heard the faint sounds of someone playing a keyboard off in the distance. I followed the sounds of the harmonics to there source where I met the strangest musician. He was a rather thin black man with long and large dreadlocks that resembled a beagles ears. On top of his head he wore pith helmet adorned with silver metal cross as he sat on a modified wagon behind his keyboard. I decided since I had nothing better to do I would just lean against the rail next to him and listen to his brand of music. It wasn't before long that the man noticed me standing there and he struck up a conversation. "HOW you doing son? Are you familiar with our lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"
It had been a wile since the strange coincidences of God rearing his way into my journey and here I found myself at the very bottom west corner of the United States being preached to by a former Rastafarian over the Pacific Ocean. I was at my end and had no idea what to do, except sit and listen.
The man started off by telling me about his old life style.
"I used drugs and engaged in homosexual activities with woman in orgies. Yeah thats right I was living in sin. I played with a Reggae band and we toured around using drugs and woman like toilet paper. I believed I was doing it all for JAH RasTafari! That, that life style was the right path. I couldn't have been more wrong I was LIVING IN SIN! I laid down and made love with the white devils. YOU better get wise and get JESUS! One day I woke up after a huge orgie of drugs and woman only to find an emptiness within that couldn't be filled by my carnal ways. Thats when he found me! JESUS came to me and he told me to go to a local church. I had never heard of this church before but JESUS guided me to it as if I had been there before. There I found a priest who told me the error of my ways and I have been trying to spread the word of our lord and savior ever since. Do you know the last time I even engaged in sexual activities with a woman? Of course you don't! But its been 15 years since I even so much as kissed a woman! I barely kissed her, I kissed her on the cheek!"
I didn't say a word as he rambled off about his path to salvation, I just nodded my head in attention. I could see where he was coming from in some respect, I too had an emptiness inside I once tried to fill in the wrong manner. Then he started to to loose me as he drifted off topic.
"You know what all of this is about? DON'T YOU? The end is near! The homosexuals are taking over! IT. SAYS. IT. RIGHT. IN. THE. BIBLE. Man shall not lay with another man! You see it all over, the homosexuals want to get married and so shall fall the house of Christ! Hurricane Katrina shows Gods ability to smite. New Orleans was living in sin and just before the biggest homosexual gathering to take place in the US, he wiped it from the earth! Just wait you better get Christ! Soon they'll have a national ID with our DNA on it so the government can track us......." I don't know how or why his train of thought turned from the end of the world being upon us to the government conspiracies but I could see that this man was fishing off the deep end for a reason. I politely tried to steer my way out of this conversation and after a few "a huh, a huh, yeah I know what you mean man, but I need to get going. I need to find a place to sleep for the night." He stopped looked me strait in the eyes and said "The lord teaches us to share what we have with our fellow man even if you are apart of the WHITE DEVILS ways, if you need at place to go come with me." As tempted as I was to go with a recovering Rastafarian I didn't want to listen to anymore of his odd banter and asked him, "do you know where Point Loma is?" He looked at me in a rather odd manner "POINT LOMA! Your practically in it.....why? Where are you trying to go? I explained to him that I was looking for a youth hostel in the area.
"OH then you mean the hos-tel over on Newport."
"no no, they told me I couldn't stay there and should go to the Point Loma hostel."
"Then you want to go to the place off Voltaire its on.......Warden St!"
"so let me get this strate, go to Voltaire and turn....."
I bid my Rasta friend a farewell and thanked him for the info, even though I was highly skeptical of it, and had no idea where this mysterious Voltaire St lie. As I walked down the wharf back to my car I had a new lead but I couldn't help but imagine if things didn't work out, I could always find a spot to curl up on the beach.